divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2016

I'm Rooster

I'm Rooster
Portrait of an Elephant Personality  
There's a touch of cool in the stoic elephant that's appealing and reassuring. In all probability this composure stems from the knowledge that they have no natural enemies; even the lion and crocodile personalities pay homage by giving them a respectful berth. Only the unpredictable tiger has been known to trigger any semblance of anxiety in this otherwise fearless animal.

Slow to anger, they can sometimes exhibit a violent temper and use their powerful personality to humble and drive off unwanted intruders. Active during day and night, elephants take naps whenever the urge strikes.

appears with the correct description

Buket List

1.travel america
 Resultat d'imatges de america 
2.was a great football player
Resultat d'imatges de messi 

3.had a mansion

Resultat d'imatges de mansio

4. traveled to Holland

Resultat d'imatges de holanda

5.travel to russia

Resultat d'imatges de rusia

6.find the best player in history

Resultat d'imatges de messi

7.have a ferrari
Resultat d'imatges de ferrari
8. I spent time in dubai
 Resultat d'imatges de dubai 

9.see a classic at the Camp Nou

Resultat d'imatges de classic al camp nou

10.was president

Resultat d'imatges de president